Tag: butterfly

A Visit to Meeth

A Visit to Meeth

Once again, I seem to have been too busy to write blog posts.

I’ve been more busy with family-life than work, but I’ve still been doing lots of work too! From photographing Electric cars, to B&Bs, Lightroom Demos and Online Tutoring. Anyway, I managed to escape from kid sitting and work and get out for a little bit of time to get some wildlife photos.

So, I sent myself off to the local nature reserve.

Meeth is a disused quarry which has been turned into a nature reserve. It’s a bit of a walk to get to the lake and quite tricky to see the main lake as well, but along the path there is plenty to see.

I found this Gatekeeper feeding on a thistle.

I was heading to the bird hide at the end of the path, as you get good views of the dragonflies flying around.

Keeping a look around I found some lovely flowers near the ground, so I set-up to watch the flowers and a few minutes later my patience paid off.

On reaching the hide, I stayed to watch the dragonflies flying around and have a bit of lunch, then worked my way back to the car. Just a short visit.

Butterfly Quest

Butterfly Quest

After my recent successes with the butterflies, although these were still a bit limiting,

I thought I’d try and get to the park earlier in the morning to see if I could photograph them when it was cooler and they were less active. A good idea in theory, but in practice it didn’t really work, the butterflies were hidden in at the bottom of the tall grasses and fell up as you walked, then hid again at the bottom of the grasses. Also, interestingly there were no Common Blue butterflies around.

I found this Meadow Brown on the pathway in front of me and it stayed long enough to a nice photo, so all was not wasted.

When I went again this morning, I had the same problem again, but was lucky enough to get a few photos of a kestrel hunting!

View more insect images here

Common Blue

Common Blue

I managed to get out with the camera yesterday and headed to farnham park in search of insects!

It great there this time of year, there are long grasses intermingled with buttercups and other wild flowers. The grasses are about half a metre high!

Trying to find butterflies is however a bit tricky, or should that be getting to and getting a good view is tricky! You see them flitting around near the ‘path’ areas through the grass then then fly deeper into the grasses with no way or getting to them.

Something kept telling me to head towards one of the ponds, so I listened to the ‘voice’ and was greeted with a Common Blue’ butterfly flitting around in the path grasses in front of me.

Trying then to get a view from far enough back without any grasses in the way was difficult. Each time I move the butterfly flew away, but staying still, each time it came back to within a few feet of before.

So this is what I ended up with. I would have liked to see a little bit more of the side and without the piece of grass, but considering this was on the ground not on the top of a piece of grass I guess it is ok.