Portrait Sessions & Styles

As a Portrait Photographer, I offer a range of portrait styles. Each type of portrait has a specific purpose, but all are designed to capture the moment in time for your memories or needs.

Although my studio is small and not high tech, every portrait I offer, is created with the same level of detail and time to produce the images you require. I hope the results speak for themselves.

I have created this page to give an overview of each type of portrait session I offer, with taster galleries. (Links to full galleries are in each style page where available). As you'll see, the styles can be quite interchangeable. For Example, a Sports session, will probably include Creative Elements, & a Body Confidence could be similar to a Material shoot.

Hover on the image for a summary or click to view a small selection of images in relation to those styles, then click the first thumbnail on the page to view full size.

Lifestyle Portraits

Portraits for Confidence

Historical or Fun Portraits

Something more Personal